fiction: "the first poet" (hazlitt)

fiction: "summer of bssz" (catapult)

fiction: "ripe bananas" (passages north)

fiction: "burger bite" (washington square review - issue 44)

fiction: "bark" (the greensboro review)

fiction: "stephanie loves stephanie" (hobart)

fiction: "good hair" in tiny crimes (catapult)

fiction: "a guided tour of the sistine chapel ceiling" (tin house online)

comic: "salty dog" (the rumpus)

poetry: "mad" (the offing)

poetry: "godzilla" (boulevard)

poetry: "fetus charles atlas" (malahat review)

fiction: "cheers for drowning girls" (vol.1 brooklyn)

poetry: "natasha writes back" (AGNI online)

poetry: "bonnie parker's photoshoot" (AGNI online)

poetry: "this is east euro" (PRISM international) *pushcart nominee!

comic: "thanks for finally joining the 20th century since it's already over" (the normal school-online)

non-fic: "millo, my american armadillo" (catapult)

fiction: "common weeds" (pithead chapel)

comic: "le tigre amour" (barrelhouse)

fiction: "women in space" (minola review)

poetry: "new tenant" (the puritan)

comic: "caveat emptor, baby" (hobart)

comic: "autocorrect" (hobart)


interview: with jennifer croft (hazlitt)

interview: with isle mcelroy (hazlitt)

review: "a door behind a door" by yelena moskovich (ploughshares)

review: "the hare" by melanie finn (ploughshares)

review: "many people die like you" by lina wolff (ploughshares)

review: "bluebeard's first wife" by ha seong-nan (ploughshares)

photos: twin peaks (globe & mail)

photos: pretty places on/in the globe (globe & mail)